Pattern: Isabeau tote
Started: June 22nd 2006
Finished: August 24th 2006
Yarn: Rowan all seasons cotton in Misty, a little over 4 balls
Lining Fabric: white cotton was used as an interface and pink etsuko furaya fabric from reprodepot was used for the actual lining.
Modifications: sewed plastic mesh onto the bottom of the bag and inside the front and back panels.
I'm really happy with how this turned out. The pattern was great and I learned a lot of new stuff from doing to crochet a seam, making buttonholes, sewing a lining, etc. The reason it took so long was that sewing the interface, plastic, and lining into the bag sucked up a lot of time. Here's a closeup of the lining (sorry its a little blurry):
And since it was really hard to get a decent picture of the inside, here's a pic of the fabric before it was sewn:
I'm particularly proud of the lining since doing it almost killed me. My sewing experience is limited to what I learned in girl scouts and 8th grade Home Ec (during which I made a stuffed mallard...the beak fell off one week later) so I really had no idea of how to cut the fabric to the correct proportions or what stitch would be best. I just used the bag as a template (as the pattern said to do) and backstitched it together. Its not perfect in the inside but its good enough for me!!
And here's a little close up of the button. I got this at Tender Buttons in downtown Chicago....I have never seen so many buttons in one place in my life. They have an amazing selection, its a good place to check out.
So now I'm moving on to the clapotis (which it seems like everyone but me has made)'s a bit daunting but I'm excited to get started since the lion and lamb yarn is so soft and pretty :) However I need to do some major apartment cleaning before I do anything else since we're having a little dinner party here tomorrow, so there probably will be no casting on until Sunday.
You've done such a fantastic job on it ! I love everything, the color, the stitch definition, the lining... and the button !!
Your Isabeau is gorgeous!! Congratulations on making such an exquisite bag :)
That's way cute, Brooke - love it!
I followed your link from Chez Plum, your Isabeau bag is awesome, great job, love the fabric you picked out for the lining, really a great looking bag!!
Awww thanks everyone, glad you liked it!!! To answer your question Kristin, I got the fabric from They have a great selection on their site...the one I used is under the "japanese imports and asian themes" section.
Great bag! Very impressive!
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