Yesterday was my very first cubs game at Wrigley! Yay! Unfortuanely we didn't pick a good day to go, it was sooooo cold. Like it was so cold I was in pain. I ended up putting 30 dollars down for a kinda ugly (but very soft) cubs blanket because I couldn't take it anymore. But other than the cold it was a lot of fun....i got to eat a lot and it was a good game. My boyfriend probably should have been there instead of me but hopefully he'll get to a Cub's game here eventually :)
As a side note, ushers do not take very good pictures (as seen below...i think i was the only one ready for the picture)
Are you Arbusto's BJazz?!?
The better half of He-Man?
Word in the blogosphere is you're hot
The word is? The truth is!
I can vouch, Lex. She's totally hot (and I mean this in a totally objective, heterosexual kind of way).
I'm wearing my gay shirt. I think you should be wearing it.
Raise your hand if you've ever kissed a member of the same sex.*
*would not have to raise hand
So your tendencies are latent. We probably don't need to have this discussion on her blog.
Yeah, I've noticed we tend to derail a comment section and turn it into e-banter. Oops. Sorry Brooklyn.
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »
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