Sunday, September 17, 2006
I Moved!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Thank goodness.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Unhealthy Rowan Obsession

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
public debut

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Where to go, where to go.....

Sunday, September 03, 2006
I think I'm in love
And here's a closer one...
The colors are a little darker in real life, but you can get the general idea from these :)
Arbusto was in town this weekend which gave me a chance to do some semi-touristy stuff....we went to the King Tut exhibit at the Field Museum, ate out a lot, and went to a Cub's game (he finally got to go to one in Chicago). There was also much TV/movie watching, including Howl's Moving Castle which I highly recommend. Hehe I persuaded him to leave it behind so I could watch it again tonight :)
Friday, August 25, 2006
Hurray! She's finished!!!
Pattern: Isabeau tote
Started: June 22nd 2006
Finished: August 24th 2006
Yarn: Rowan all seasons cotton in Misty, a little over 4 balls
Lining Fabric: white cotton was used as an interface and pink etsuko furaya fabric from reprodepot was used for the actual lining.
Modifications: sewed plastic mesh onto the bottom of the bag and inside the front and back panels.
I'm really happy with how this turned out. The pattern was great and I learned a lot of new stuff from doing to crochet a seam, making buttonholes, sewing a lining, etc. The reason it took so long was that sewing the interface, plastic, and lining into the bag sucked up a lot of time. Here's a closeup of the lining (sorry its a little blurry):
And since it was really hard to get a decent picture of the inside, here's a pic of the fabric before it was sewn:
I'm particularly proud of the lining since doing it almost killed me. My sewing experience is limited to what I learned in girl scouts and 8th grade Home Ec (during which I made a stuffed mallard...the beak fell off one week later) so I really had no idea of how to cut the fabric to the correct proportions or what stitch would be best. I just used the bag as a template (as the pattern said to do) and backstitched it together. Its not perfect in the inside but its good enough for me!!
And here's a little close up of the button. I got this at Tender Buttons in downtown Chicago....I have never seen so many buttons in one place in my life. They have an amazing selection, its a good place to check out.
So now I'm moving on to the clapotis (which it seems like everyone but me has made)'s a bit daunting but I'm excited to get started since the lion and lamb yarn is so soft and pretty :) However I need to do some major apartment cleaning before I do anything else since we're having a little dinner party here tomorrow, so there probably will be no casting on until Sunday.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Sorry for the hiatus....
that's me eating a giant turkey leg at the Renaissance Festival. I took one bite of it, decided it was gross, and handed it off to Arbusto....but I had to get a picture with it :) The festival was fun, there were lots of bad fake British accents to laugh at and lots of good food.
This is me being a reluctant participant in a magic show at the festival. I'm not big on audience participation, so I was not too happy when he picked me to go onstage. It became even less fun when he (the old man in the spandex) put that white hankercheif down my shirt as part of the act. Ew Ew Ew. But overall it was kinda fun I guess :)
Thats all the pictures I have....besides the fair I spent a lot of time just relaxing and watching TV, it was great. I also basically finished the Isabeau tote, i just have to get the lining sewn in....I'll post the pics as soon as I get it done!! In other knitting news, after 2 months of drooling over Lorna's Laces lion and lamb in the motherlode colorway I finally broke down and bought enough to make a clapotis. And for how much the yarn cost I better wear it every day when I finish it!!!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Adventures in Seaming
However, when I finished one of the sides it looked all wonky, like this.....
Yeah, not pretty. When I did the seam I put the hook through the body of the bag first and then the side of the bag, which left the side of the bag with the bulkier part of the seam. At first I thought I could straighten it out by blocking it, but then I decided to just rip it out and redo the seam, this time putting the hook through the side of the bag first....
Ta-daa!! Much better. It is nice and flat now and is much less wonky :)
I went in search of some white cotton today to use as an interface and ended up in a little fabric shop that I shall leave unnamed :) At first I was really excited, it was very Project Runwayish with the walls of fabric and whatnot (the only fabric store I have really ever been in before is Joann's or Hobby it was exciting for me hehe) but man, the store person was not so nice. Not really rude, just snobby. I absolutely hate shopping at places like that, but I just wanted to get it taken care of so I decided to just buy the fabric. But anyways, I started lining the bag may take me awhile to finish it though since I'll be heading home to Minnesota this week to spend some quality time with my parents and arbusto :)
Sunday, August 06, 2006
And she's blocking!!

Friday, August 04, 2006
I don't have to study anymore!!
Friday, July 28, 2006
yay for fabric!
Yay! Fabric for my Isabeau tote!! I really know nothing about fabric since I don't sew, but I can tell you this is Japanese and it's by Etsuko Furaya. And whoever that is, they have a lot of cool stuff. Here's a close up:
I LOVE it, and I am so freaking excited to line the bag. Of course I actually have to finish knitting it first....fortunately I only have 5 more days until boards are over and I can start knitting!!!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
.....old lady????
Sunday, July 16, 2006
I'm Boring

Monday, July 10, 2006
This has been a very 70's week for me so far (which doesn't take much since it's not really my favorite decade). For example......
- I discovered I want a Blythe doll. I used to think these things (introduced way back in 1972) were totally creepy. However now I must have one. Maybe its because she looks like Christina Ricci. Maybe its because I can knit little clothes for her. Or maybe its because her eyes can change 4 different colors at the pull of a string (fitting for a future optometrist to have one then, right?). Anyways this sucker is on my Christmas list. Hopefully santa will be nice and bring me one.
- I spent time I should have been studying for boards watching I love the 70's on VH1. Seeing that I was born in 1982 I usually have no idea what they are talking about. But it's still funny.
- I saw this guy, who is about the cutest knitted toy I've ever seen. Jess Hutch is a genius.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
This one was worked from the opposite end of the skein of noro than the one I had started previously. I think I got a weird skein because there was a repeat of the brownish pink/purple section that the other skein I bought doesn't have. Anyways I'm considering this one a practice one for a few reasons. For starters......
Oh yeah, nice big hole right under the thumb. I think I need to pull the stitches for the increases tighter or something....this is the first thumb gusset I've ever done and it's not very good :) Reason #2 is that I knit and bound off the stitches a little too tightly. There's not a lot of room to spread fingers out and the thumb is really snug too. And reason #3 is that I'm not sure how crazy I am about the color combo, plus I think the person I'm giving these to will like the colors on the other end of the skein better. Soooo I'm going to make a new pair from the darker end of the skein. Luckily this pattern is fun and quick so I don't mind doing them again :)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
A Lelah and a Leela
the side view......
and the back view (in which my shoulders look huge, but I'm blaming it on the camera angle)....
Pattern: Lelah strapless top from craftster/Lotus blossom tank from summer 2006 Interweave Knits.
Yarn: 4 balls of Blue Sky Organic Cotton in Bone (weird color name)
- I started out by knitting the medium size of the Lelah pattern. I followed the pattern as written until about 3 inches above the eyelet round, at which point I started the Lotus blossom pattern. If I was going to do this again I probably would have done another inch or so in stockinette before beginning the other pattern.
- I decided to begin the Lotus blossom pattern at the "shape front" section of the body. I didn't follow a particular size for this pattern; instead I just did lots of ratios and things seemed to work out :)
- I didn't really change anything with the back of the piece....I just did some more ratios when it came time to do the short rows and the straps. For example, heading into row 1 of the short rows they had 79 stitches and you were to start out by knitting 66 of them. That's about 84%, so I took .84 and multiplied it by what I had at that point (around 50 stitches) to get around 42 stitches. I kept doing that for the rest of the short rows and it worked out fine.
So I've had this done for awhile but haven't gotten around to putting pictures up until now. To be honest I'm not sure how I feel about this one, mostly because it makes my boobs look huge in a scary way. It's not so bad in these pictures, but there are some other pictures where they look ginormous. I will say that I learned a lot of things from this was my first experience with any kind of lace and my first time really trying to alter a pattern. So I'm glad I made it, it was definitely fun to knit, but I'm not sure how much I'm going to wear it.
I also have to say that I am absolutely done knitting with any white yarn for a very long time. White is not my best color since I am very, very pasty. However, I knit the capelet in white because I figured it would go with more, and decided to do this one in white because I needed something to go with some specific pants and skirts I had. But from now on no more white garments :) I did LOVE working with the blue sky organic cotton for the Lelah tank though, it was sooooo soft! Now for the Leela....
This is Arbusto's new kitty, Leela. Isn't she cute? We got her from the shelter last week. It was a tough decision, we were torn between a little orange kitten and Leela. But she has such a pretty face and is such a sweet cat that we had to take her home :)
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Oh Yeah. We're cool :) This is my roomate and I with the giant Opti-free tear drop at the Optometry convention in Vegas. It was a lot of lots of free stuff, sat by the pool, ate a ton of food, and got to do some sightseeing. Here's some highlights....
Contacts and Figure Skating, two of my favorite things! Turns out the olympic silver medalists in ice dancing are the spokespeople for Acuvue Oasis contact lenses so they made an appearance at the conference. I was very excited about this. However my friends were not, so I made the trek over to see them by myself on Friday. They gave a little talk on the wonders of Acuvue Oasis lenses (I actually have friends who say they are the best contacts they've ever had) and then they did an autograph session. So yay I got an autograph!!
Yesterday we decided to brave the heat and go was like walking in an oven (it was around 110 degrees that day) but it was worth it to get to see the hotels and stuff. Here's a view down the strip.......
And below is a view of the water show at the Bellagio.

Monday, June 19, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Almost there...

Monday, June 05, 2006
DPN goodness

Sunday, June 04, 2006
Long time no blog

Oooooooh pretty, see the rainbow? While I've got you looking at Chicago pics, here's some pictures from the 7th floor of our building:
And here is a shot directly below:
yeah, they're building another stupid condo right in front of ours, so the view is gonna be very gone. I swear they are trying to pack as many buildings in as they can around here!!!! oh well :)
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I survived!
Friday, May 19, 2006
A lot of yarn
Yay for Noro! And yay for mom buying the Noro! I'm gonna use this for the armwarmers from the Stitch 'n Bitch Nation book....I've been wanting to make them since I first saw the book.
I also picked up some Rowan all seasons cotton when Arbusto (the wonderful, patient boyfriend he is) took me to the yarnery in St. Paul, which is honestly one of my favorite places on earth. I'm planning on using the Rowan for the Isabeau tote.
Oh yes, there's more. Actually we're going back in time now, since I picked this up before I left for Minnesota. I took a trip out to Arcadia knitting to de-stress after finals and saw the blue sky was so soft I couldn't put it down, so it came home with me. This is for the Lelah top, which is going to be converted from a strapless top to a tank (I don't do well with strapless).
And look what came today. During finals I ordered some knitpicks merino style for the deep V argyle vest and I just got it today. The brown is really a weird color but its growing on me. I was gonna send it back but I think I'm gonna keep it instead.
So yeah, I have enough yarn for awhile. I swore I wouldn't buy any more for the rest of the summer, but we'll see :) Ok one more picture:
Friday, May 05, 2006
I finally finished something!

and here's the obligatory mirror shot:

I was so freaking excited when i got the sleeves seamed and it turned into something i could actually wear. yay for my first sweater! Well it's technically only half a sweater, but it's a start. And I want to wear it everyday cause i made it :)
So next up i'm thinking of doing Isabeau tote....sooooo cute.....and I also want to make Picovoli in Rowan kidsilk haze (I was originally thinking of doing the ballet t-shirt from loop-d-loop in the kidsilk, but I'm thinking Grumperina's pattern will look better on me). I've also been wanting to do the hourglass sweater from Last minute knitted gifts have been too scared to tackle it...but i think I might beable to handle it now :) Sadly all this must wait until after finals...gotta pass so they'll let me into clinic!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Cubs game!

Thursday, April 06, 2006
My first post!
So I've finally caved and decided to start a blog. I just learned to knit like a month ago and got inspired by all the knitting blogs out there (I know its geeky)....anyways it made me want to start one where I could post my stuff! However since i'm new at it I'm a very, very slow knitter so it will be awhile until i get anything interesting made :) So until then there will be more life than knitting on here!
So anyways the nice pic above is my room. That is the state of my life right now as well :) School has been so busy that the apartment has been very neglected. I'm messy to begin with and my room is very, very small but this is the worst its been in a long time. And I thought it needed to be shared with the public :)